Kernow Credit Union


Are you an Employer based in Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly?

  • Poor financial welfare can affect the health and productivity of your employees and impact on your business.
  • We can help you provide a great benefit to your employees and best of all – it’s free.
  • We all worry about money at some point in our lives, debt can cause stress and depression, which can lead to reduced productivity and even absences- a terrible cycle that leaves everyone worse off.
  • The Kernow credit Union can help your employees access ethical savings and affordable loans straight from their salaries. Building their savings through their salary can help when they are hit with an unexpected expense and give them access to affordable credit to assist with those special and day to day purchases and bills.
  • Setting up and encouraging Savings with an Employers Payroll with Kernow Credit Union can alleviate and may assist in coping with everyday problems.
  • Go to Employers section for more information.